
    Concord CRM offers multilingual support, allowing each user to interact with the system in their local language, provided it's available in Concord CRM.

    Translation Capabilities

    • In-app Translation: Built-in translator directory for direct translations via the dashboard.
    • Multi-language Support: Users can operate Concord CRM in various languages and locales.

    Creating a New Locale

    If your desired language/locale isn't available, you can create it:

    1. Access Translator:
      • Navigate to Settings -> System -> Translator.
    2. Create Locale:
      • Click New Locale.
      • Enter the locale name (e.g., nl_NL, pt_BR).
      • Click Create.

    After creation, Concord CRM will establish a new folder in lang named after the locale, copying and merging core English locale groups for translation.

    Ensure the locale name is valid, containing only alpha characters and dashes.

    Translating a Locale

    To translate a locale:

    1. Open Translator:
      • In Settings, go to System -> Translator. Select the desired locale.
    2. Perform Translation:
      • Click the arrow down next to a group to view translation fields.
      • Input translations in the table's last column.
      • Save your changes.

    Custom translations are stored separately and merged with the default English locale or original translations.

    For existing locales, custom translations appear in lang/.custom/[LOCALE], with original sources visible in the translator tool.

    User Language Settings

    Users can individually select a preferred language:

    1. Access Profile:
      • Log in and click your username, then select Profile.
    2. Select Locale:
      • Choose your desired language from the locale dropdown.

    Contributing Translations

    We welcome translation contributions to enhance Concord CRM's multilingual capabilities:

    • Prepare Contribution:
      • Zip files from lang/.custom/[LOCALE].
    • Send Translations:
      • Email them to hello[at]concordcrm[dot]com for inclusion in the core build.

    Remember to enable viewing of hidden files to access the .custom folder.